Monday, 27 June 2011

Go Green With The Champ!

I have a bunch of GoGreen Pocket Diapers in my fluff stash and I love each and every one of them.
But there's one that I have a soft spot for....The Champ.

This is a beauty of a cloth diaper! 

They take "one size" seriously by adding extra snaps everywhere to make it a snug fit from newborn right to potty training.

Here it is on its smallest setting, the top overlaps for a snug fit around the waist (and believe me it is tiny!) There are 4 rows of snaps down the front to get a perfect fit around tiny little legs :)

Can you believe this is the same diaper!? On its biggest setting it will fit an even bigger baby then Lil Tank! ;)

The diaper has 2 pocket openings and a snap on the inside to attach the insert to, this means no need to touch the yucky insert to take it out for comes out on its own and stays attached to the diaper!  Also you can see the dual inner gussets for catching any runny messes...could it get any better!?

Showing attached insert

Here is Baby G rockin' the leopard...he weighs 18lbs and still has plenty of room to grow in this diaper!

I completely recommend adding one or more of these diapers to your stash especially if you're going to be diapering a newborn.

Head on over to GoGreen Pocket Diapers to check them out!

Monday, 20 June 2011

Bamboo and Me...Why I love it!

Oh bamboo...

There are so many reason to love this amazing plant!  And most of them are related to cloth diapers! 

First lets hear some facts about bamboo; some of the reasons its so awesome:
  • Its environmentally friendly! Bamboo can grow up to a foot a day without fertilizers or pesticides and it removes 40% more carbon dioxide from the air then trees!
  • It has antibacterial qualities! In tests done by Japanese scientists they found that it held these qualities for over 50 washes.  When they tried to cultivate bacteria on the fabric made from bamboo 70% of the bacteria died...great for killing bacteria in diapers and keeping odors at bay!
  • Its 60% more absorbent then cotton! Its capable of holding up to 3 times its weight in fluid!
  • Its breathable, great for using next to babies skin because it wicks moisture away quickly and its sooo soft!
I've experimented with different kinds of diapers and just keep coming back to bamboo.  It is amazing how much it can absorb and I love how soft they are! They make fabulous nighttime and travelling diapers because they can hold so much.  They're really comparable to disposables in the absorbency department. 

My favourite bamboo diapers are my Earth, Mom and Baby ones, but I've recently bought some BuBuBiBi pockets and really like them too!

They are one size pocket diapers, I love the extra hip snaps which help prevent droop and the crossover snaps to make them a better fit for a newborn/small baby

They have a snap in the back to attach your insert to

And snaps on the insert to keep your folds in place when adjusting for a boy or girl.  The inserts are made from 2 layers of microfiber and 1 layer of bamboo.

The inside of the diaper is lined with bamboo to make an extra layer of absorbency.

 They quickly go from fitting 18lb Baby G to...

32lb Lil Tank.

These diapers lasted on my boys for 3 hours+ during the day and all night without leaks! 

I've added some bamboo inserts to my fluff stash to double these up with at night as well, just to be on the safe side.  

One thing to keep in mind when using bamboo, it takes up to 5-7 washes for it to reach its full absorbency!  It still works great from day one tho :)

Any questions you have about bamboo diapers feel free to comment or e-mail ( and ask away! I'll try my hardest to help :)

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Mommas Share!

I haven't had any time to come on here and post a new entry in the last few days.
I always jokingly referred to Lil Tank as my sick baby, that is until Baby G was born!  

Lil Tank had everything that was going around, from bronchitis to colds to the flu and he got it worse then anyone! He was in the hospital for dehydration from the flu, and in there again for an over nighter after having an allergic reaction to penicillin.  Then Big Bro S and him both got stomatitis (which I would not wish on anyone!) After that Big Bro S came down with a mild case of Hand, Foot and Mouth...we were on a roll for sickness it seemed! We had to start taking Big Bro S to the pediatrician to find out why he wasn't growing and having extreme abdominal pain, after a slew of tests (which were not fun for anyone) we found out he has major bowel problems and is on medication for that.  The good news is since he started it, he's gained 3lbs :)

Lil Tank in pediatrics being treated for dehydration
Big Bro S with stomatitis

Then came Baby G.

He started out perfectly normal...for about a week....and then the vomiting started.  I didn't think much of it as most babies spit up (not that this was spit up, it was an entire feeding coming up in most cases) He was up ALL night EVERY night fussing, squirming and crying, then he developed a rattle in his breathing and was coughing all the time.  We went to the Dr.s numerous times and he was treated for bronchitis, and other respiratory infections.  He was put on antibiotics, puffers, steroids, given chest x-rays and finally sent to the pediatrician.  She rather quickly diagnosed him with acid reflux and gave him meds for that and after switching to another med we got the vomiting under control and were getting a bit more sleep.  He was given another prescription for Reglan which has a nasty side effect that basically makes your muscles stop working...and it can be permanent. So of course our little Baby G had the side effect, scaring the begeebers out of everyone! 40 mins with no response from him at all, all he could do was breathe and swallow...needless to say we had our first and hopefully last ambulance ride!  Anywho...after a very long 5 months of being tested for everything under the sun, including an Upper GI and most recently a sweat test and blood work, we still have no idea whats causing the rattle and coughing.  He's being referred to the respitologists at the IWK in hopes of finding an answer. He's growing and thriving and hitting all his milestones so its not of grave concern but it would be great for the poor little muffin to get some relief! 

 Baby G having his sweat test done

What about you Mommas? Have you had to deal with sick babies? Whats the scariest thing thats happened to one of your angels? Share your stories in the comments! I know I'm not alone on this one :)

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Cloth Diapering: Tools of the Trade

Here is a list of things to help you with your cloth diapering experience!

Does the thought of scraping poop out of diapers disturb you a little? You're not alone! It actually was one of the things holding me back from cloth.  Good news tho, they make flushable liners! They come in a roll, usually of 100, and are thin, almost toilet paper like.  You just tear one off, lay it in the diaper and it catches the "number 2's"! All you need to do is take it out and flush it...clean up made easy!

For all you Mommy's (or Daddy's) that aren't afraid to get your hands a little dirty and don't want to spend any extra on stocking liners a great tool for you is (drum roll please) a SPATULA! Yes, you read that right! A spatula is perfect for scraping out "nasties" into the toilet.  They clean off easy and will save you the trouble of buying liners.

Now for anyone wondering what the tongs are for in the picture, wonder no more! They're my handy dandy tool for getting soiled inserts out of my pocket diapers.  Instructions for use are pretty straight forward and they save your hands from touching all that "you know what" soaked into the inserts.  You can get these and the spatula at the Dollar Store!

Moving right along, we've now come to the point of getting the diapers into the washer....but what do you use to wash them with? Well I recommend Rockin Green Cloth Diaper Detergent.  Its an all natural formula that's made especially for cloth diapers! You can get it in all kinds of yummy scents (my personal fave is Smashing Watermelons :)) or in an unscented formula.  They also have kinds to suit your water type: hard rock, classic rock and soft rock.  It is great for getting built up ammonia out of your diapers, just "rock a soak" in warm/hot water for 1/2 hour, 1 hour or even overnight and your stink problems are gone! Its done wonders for my diapers!

Now that you have some clean, great smelling diapers, lets get them dry.  I prefer and would recommend hanging them to dry to prolong their life.  You can always use the dryer if its easier for you tho! If hanging them out on the clothes line is not an option then I suggest purchasing a drying rack.  I used mine all winter and set the it in front of the wood stove to dry my diapers.

A must have for cloth diapering on the go is a wet bag.  A waterproof bag to hold your dirty diapers until you get home.  They are also great for putting wet clothing in, from the beach, pool or after an "accident".

And finally wipes.  These washable, reusable wipes are so much better for babies bottoms then the alcohol filled baby wipes you buy in-store.  You can use these no matter if you're cloth diapering or not.  Just throw them in the wash with your diapers and voila! They're ready to be used again! I keep mine in a solution of water and baby soap so they get mi bambinos bottoms nice and clean :)

Happy Diapering Everyone! :)

Monday, 6 June 2011

Why Switch to Cloth? Here's a Few Reasons!

Did you know that your baby will spend approximately 25 000 hours in a diaper and need between 6000-10000 diaper changes in their first years of life?

With that in mind here is some information to help you decide whats best for your little prince or princesses bottom!

First of all lets look at cost.  In the years that your child is in diapers (from birth right to being potty trained) you're looking at around a $1500-$2500 diaper bill for disposables!  The initial start up cost for cloth diapering may look hefty at anywhere from $250-$700 but look at the amount you'll save in the long run...a grand total of: $1250-$1800! And the "icing on the cake" cloth diapers can be used for all your children saving you the cost of diapering them in disposables.  To sum it up, your cloth diapers will have paid for themselves within a couple months and from there on it will basically be free to diaper your baby!

Next lets discuss rashes.  According to one study 78% of babies in disposables will get diaper rashes while only 7% of cloth diapered babies will.  One of the chemicals used in disposables is Sodium Polyacrylate...don't know what that is? Its the same chemical used in tampons that has been linked to Toxic Shock Syndrome and can cause allergic reactions on babies sensitive little behinds.

We all know that no one really likes dealing with diapers.  They're stinky, messy and a lot of work no matter if they're cloth or disposable.  So why are we prolonging the potty training process by keeping our little ones in disposables?  They brag about "locking away wetness" which is great for small babies but it's not very helpful in potty training! Your toddler or preschooler can't feel that they're wet so its not really bothering them to stay in their diapers.  When they're in cloth they can feel it, most don't like it and are more likely to use the potty to avoid that feeling of discomfort.  You can even purchase cloth trainers! I just bought some from "Cow Patties Cloth Diapers" (check them out on Facebook!).  They make custom trainers for only $8 each, my son picked out the prints he wanted and couldn't be more excited to get them in the mail :)

Lets turn our attention now to our beautiful planet and the impact disposables have on it.  It is estimated that around 5 million tons of untreated waste is being dumped in landfills every year via disposable diapers!! It is not just the diaper that can cause environmental problems either...its whats in the used ones.
From Environment Canada:
"The waste from the cloth diaper is properly treated as sewage, while disposable diapers in landfills can be a breeding ground for a wide variety of viruses, including hepatitis B and polio from vaccines given to newborns, also the effluents from the disposable diaper manufacturing process (plastic, pulp, and bleached paper) are more damaging to the environment then the cotton and hemp growing and manufacturing process."
"The very lengthy decomposition of diaper waste and subsequent health risks of untreated human waste, with it potential disease-causing organisms and remnants of prescribed medications, will cause problems, particularly if this leaches into the groundwater supply and contaminates our water resources."
Enough said.

And finally: Look at how completely adorable they are! The bright colours and cute prints make them irresistible,
and dare I say it...make diapering more fun!

Friday, 3 June 2011

Let Me Introduce Myself...

Hi, my name is Robin and I'm a cloth-a-holic.
My addiction started not long after Baby G was born.  I had 2 in dipes full time and Big Bro S is still in them at night! Due to Lil Tank's skin issues we were forced to buy the "expensive" brands of diapers to avoid rashes so we were looking at a diaper bill of $200 + monthly! Something had to change, so we turned to cloth! A friend of mine found a local seller who had very reasonable prices on her diapers, we ordered and haven't looked back since :)

We started out with AIO OS Pocket dipes...seemed like the best option for us since we had 3 ranging from 2 months-3 1/2 years that would be using them.  I was shocked to find out how easy they were to use, not much extra work involved AND to top every thing off, Lil Tank's skin cleared so completely within days of the switch that my mind was blown!

Since then I've added some Earth, Mom and Baby Bumboo diapers to my collection.  These are AMAZING diapers! The absorbancy is un-real and I highly recommend them for naptime, nighttime or travel diapers.  My boys have worn them for up to 4 hours and they still could have kept on soaking!  I've recently purchased some bamboo pockets from BuBuBiBi and am anxiously awaiting their arrival! I will be posting my review on them as soon as we've had a chance to try them out  :) Another retailer we've bought from is GoGreen Pocket Diapers...very reasonable prices and great quality diapers! I've just received one of their Champ 2.0 diapers and can't wait to use it (a review will follow!)

I've had to thin out my diaper collection as I was running out of room to store them (since I'm completely addicted this effort was in vain).  I sold some of them locally and was surprised at the amount of people interested in trying them out! After some research I've decided to start selling them full time (new ones, of course).  I've put my order in for diapers and am waiting for them to arrive...and hoping that the Canada Post strike doesn't affect their arrival time too much :/ You can check out my page on Facebook by following this link:
 Remember to enter the contest for a chance to win a free diaper and a sample pack of RnG!