Thursday, 16 June 2011

Mommas Share!

I haven't had any time to come on here and post a new entry in the last few days.
I always jokingly referred to Lil Tank as my sick baby, that is until Baby G was born!  

Lil Tank had everything that was going around, from bronchitis to colds to the flu and he got it worse then anyone! He was in the hospital for dehydration from the flu, and in there again for an over nighter after having an allergic reaction to penicillin.  Then Big Bro S and him both got stomatitis (which I would not wish on anyone!) After that Big Bro S came down with a mild case of Hand, Foot and Mouth...we were on a roll for sickness it seemed! We had to start taking Big Bro S to the pediatrician to find out why he wasn't growing and having extreme abdominal pain, after a slew of tests (which were not fun for anyone) we found out he has major bowel problems and is on medication for that.  The good news is since he started it, he's gained 3lbs :)

Lil Tank in pediatrics being treated for dehydration
Big Bro S with stomatitis

Then came Baby G.

He started out perfectly normal...for about a week....and then the vomiting started.  I didn't think much of it as most babies spit up (not that this was spit up, it was an entire feeding coming up in most cases) He was up ALL night EVERY night fussing, squirming and crying, then he developed a rattle in his breathing and was coughing all the time.  We went to the Dr.s numerous times and he was treated for bronchitis, and other respiratory infections.  He was put on antibiotics, puffers, steroids, given chest x-rays and finally sent to the pediatrician.  She rather quickly diagnosed him with acid reflux and gave him meds for that and after switching to another med we got the vomiting under control and were getting a bit more sleep.  He was given another prescription for Reglan which has a nasty side effect that basically makes your muscles stop working...and it can be permanent. So of course our little Baby G had the side effect, scaring the begeebers out of everyone! 40 mins with no response from him at all, all he could do was breathe and swallow...needless to say we had our first and hopefully last ambulance ride!  Anywho...after a very long 5 months of being tested for everything under the sun, including an Upper GI and most recently a sweat test and blood work, we still have no idea whats causing the rattle and coughing.  He's being referred to the respitologists at the IWK in hopes of finding an answer. He's growing and thriving and hitting all his milestones so its not of grave concern but it would be great for the poor little muffin to get some relief! 

 Baby G having his sweat test done

What about you Mommas? Have you had to deal with sick babies? Whats the scariest thing thats happened to one of your angels? Share your stories in the comments! I know I'm not alone on this one :)

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